View Full Version : Front windshield collar

01-04-2013, 03:08 AM
I´ve bent my front collar too much so I need a new one. My SN is 22-3141 and I need part 12786. This part is not available at univair. They have part 14669, but that is for the later models. Anyone who knows the difference? Can I use the 14669?

01-07-2013, 03:47 AM
No one with any idea?

Steve Pierce
01-07-2013, 07:44 AM
Look at the parts manual and compare the windshield collar to the instrument panel and bootcowl. I believe the later one is more boxy. It could be reformed I am sure with a stretcher/shrinker, it is very soft material.

01-13-2013, 01:27 AM
12786 (outer) and 12787 (inner) form the windshield collar for windshields 12630 (PA-20), and 13432 (PA-20 "135", PA-22 and PA-22 135).

14669 (outer) and 14670 (inner) form the windshield collar for windshield 13432-3 (PA-22 150, 160 and 108).

I can't find the drawings for any of these, so my guess is that the 13432 and 13432-3 windshields share mostly common characteristics, but involve some difference necessitating the different collars.

01-13-2013, 05:10 AM
The Piper DVD sais, Nr 1 to 3386 uses part 12786 and 3387 and up use 14669. The PA 20 and all Colt use 12786 too. I sent univair a picture from my collar (PA22 150, 3141) so they can compare it with the 14669.4607

01-13-2013, 09:35 AM
Interesting. I'm showing 14669 (with 14670 and 13432-3) on drawing number 15143 which is the "Fuselage Assembly (Complete)" drawing for the Colt. But the drawing list on the same disc (SWPC drawings) calls for windshield 13432. I suspect the drawing list is in error. I would recommend checking the parts catalog for verification.