hey there thanks for the quick reply I am just checking at the specs you mentioned duty cycle I guess im not completly sure what it means but i compared it to this welder and lincoln is a big name welder around here http://www.lincolnelectric.com/en-us/Equipment/Pages/product.aspx?product=K1478-5 as compared to http://www.eastwood.com/eastwood-s-ac-dc-tig-200-welder.html and it says I think?? that the lincolns duty cyle at 150 amps is 25% maybe thats not duty cyle im looking at but anyway i am not a professional welder by any means Im sure I would never use it to its capabilities --- what exactly does 45% at 150 amps stand for? i know at work we have a tig that I play around with but I thought id like one at home thanks again for the reply and hoping for another------Jay