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  • I have a tri-pacer. Some people say skis are a bad idea on my plane. I don't think any of them have any first hand experience.... So, could you tell me how they perform? In deep snow, turning, etc. My cfi said they float better than tail wheels on skis.
    Okay, got it. I'll call Eddie and ask him to check the oil screen, and we can get me checked out on it when I get back.
    Hey Rocket,

    Didn't make it to America yet, I'm working in Anchorage this week and leaving Saturday. Used less than one quart in a little over three hours, didn't think to talk to Eddie about oil. Should I change it here or come back out and change it after getting back to Naknek?

    Looked like a cold day out your way...pretty mild here in town.
    Hey Rocket...based on your spot page it looks like you are having another night at Tikchik...stay warm up there. It's supposed to get pretty cold tonight...
    Rocket, I got antsy about the Saturday forecast so I blasted off Friday and flew to Willow.

    Met Eddie Trimmer today for the first time. He doesn't seem to care about having the logs since the annual has been signed off. He looked at the landing gear dent, doesn't think it is an issue and shouldn't be messed with...that's what he says every time I ask him about it, but now he's seen it and is still saying the same. He's going to deal with the landing gear attachment crack and the cracked tube behind the bulkhead. Our faulty ground in the right wing nav light is acting up again, it popped when I turned on my nav lights 20 minutes out of Willow, so he is going to address that ground. He's also going to install the tail beacon.

    Plane flies so different, and different is good. A lovely experience blasting along at airspeeds near 130 mph. Wow.
    Hey Rocket,

    Weekend is definitely looking a bit testy. I'm feeling great. Makes me think everybody should have their gallbladder out...though I suppose if yours works maybe that would be a bit over the top...

    I'd like to go to Valdez someday, but it is hard to imagine when I'll get to. It would be fun though. I'd have to carry a handheld radio, I want to know whether the controllers curse when somebody kisses the pavement with their prop spinner...


    Hey Rocket,

    I have definitely noticed my appetite for reduced visibility is pretty poor when I'm away from familiar country. I'm in Anchortown right now, hoping to head back out at the end of next week.

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