Rocket, I got antsy about the Saturday forecast so I blasted off Friday and flew to Willow.
Met Eddie Trimmer today for the first time. He doesn't seem to care about having the logs since the annual has been signed off. He looked at the landing gear dent, doesn't think it is an issue and shouldn't be messed with...that's what he says every time I ask him about it, but now he's seen it and is still saying the same. He's going to deal with the landing gear attachment crack and the cracked tube behind the bulkhead. Our faulty ground in the right wing nav light is acting up again, it popped when I turned on my nav lights 20 minutes out of Willow, so he is going to address that ground. He's also going to install the tail beacon.
Plane flies so different, and different is good. A lovely experience blasting along at airspeeds near 130 mph. Wow.