Point taken and noted -- no more slower stuff for a while.
Yesterday, after a 3-hr lesson on flight planning & such, my CFI and I took it up for a good cross-country, flying to a grass strip (B10) in Livermore, ME to visit an old Army buddy of mine and his Japanese wife. Now, understand it takes me 4-1/2 hours to drive to his place; in 57A, with a good bit of help from a tailwind, it took... ONE HOUR. Wow. Even my CFI, noting our speeds, said "Wish my plane could do that...." At one point, while climbing out --I was trying to maintain 90mph-- that little plane actually approached 1000 fpm on the climb gauge. Again, "wow."
Understandably, the flight back was quite a bit longer (1.7 hrs), but still, it was great. As we were filling up before leaving the home field (2B3), I remarked that it was really nice to be spending money on FUEL instead of parts! (Can you see the grin?)
It got dark on the way back, and I saw something I've never seen before: I didn't realize the moon was rising -- it was above the left wing-- but I did see a big light down to the left and was surprised to see it was the moon's reflection on a small lake! This is what it's about, to me (sigh...).
Still some tweaking to do, but that O-320 was working hard all the way there and back and now has another 2.8 hrs or so on it, for a total now of around 6 SMOH. CHTs have dropped a bit (all in the green), oil temp & pressure good... Getting there now, for sure.