I have a "fix" for both problems mentioned (Steve). A really Old Timer told me to quit fartin' around and put TWO head gaskets under each head next time I was in there and they would never blow again. I immediately questioned him as to what effect increasing the "cc's" of the combustion chamber by adding a gasket would be, at which point he snapped on me and told me if I would get my head outa my [well, you get it] and understand that the original Lyc Manual incorrectly lists the Timing BTDC and if I set it to what the "similar" models in that same Manual prescribed, that I would understand that the claim of "65 hp being a courteous "benefit of the doubt" for the Lycoming and that I wouldn't WORRY about .020" of increased Deck Height!" I am pleased to report that I have had the thirty year experience that he was indeed correct. AS far as "availability" of said gaskets... I haven't needed to look for new gaskets the last twenty years, but when I blew my last "single" I had to buy a "set" of four. After using three of the remaining gaskets on other people's O-145-B2 engines and yet to effect the "double-seal" as recommended (yet), I tried to locate another "set" but struck out!!! At that point, I looked to the future and traced the one remaining "new, old stock" gasket for a pattern (still HAVE that Old Girl...somewhere). I traced it onto the [blank] last page of my original Lycoming O-145 Series Manual. I measured and labeled along with the dimensions and a "proof" length of what six inches was the day I traced it (marked off six inches on that page with my 6" scale). Material was tested by a local metallurgist and confirmed in his opinion to be [what is now known as] .020" 2024-T0.
BTW, the six-inch witness "proof" on my manual page has shrunken about 3/16" over the last 25 years in captivity! (Let us have NO COMMENTS from the Q-Tip Peanut Gallery...of which I am a Member... on this issue, if you please!)
Say, Bill...what's the chances you can scan your Marvel-Schebler MA-2 Manual and email me a copy? I been looking for one of those for thirty years and never scored one! Evem if you can only scan it into single .pdf files, I can compile it into a single usable Manual again. I could easily get a copy of that over to MGF Andy who would no doubt be pleased to add it to his site of Handy Dandy material.