Drum Brake Linings


Palm Bay, FL
Does anyone have a source for brake lining material? $35.00 per lining seems a little steep to me. I would think one could reline a set of shoes for less than $50.00 provided the material could be found.

This was years ago, but when I needed pads for my !#140 I went to a local auto clutch shop and bought a round brick of liner material and cut it off with a hacksaw and stuck them in the cup holders. I was real broke in those days but that seemed to be a good fix at the time. I would think a brake material would be of such a material to warrant trying to cut out piece to fit. Probably all the same material so auto stuff is probably the same.
I bet this will get a few comments now!
We used to go to a big truck brake shop to get the drum brake linings on the BT15 I used to maintain.
I have only worked on a few drum brake Tri-Pacers and never had to do much to the brakes. Do they tend to use brake pads often?
Like anything else I think that depends on how you use them. I've had my Tri a little over two years and am still running on the pads it came with. They've never shown a whole lot of wear. I fly 50-60 hrs/year, mostly x-country time with no more than 2-3 landings per leg, max. Considering I'm also still using the original scott setup, I always taxi like it's already failed. ;)
Try McMaster Carr Supply in NJ http://www.mcmaster.com I bought a piece of 1/4 x 1" a foot long for $4 to do my old Triumph MC shoes. They were riveted on so it was easy. Got the copper rivets from them too. Had to make a counterbore for the rivets. Don't know how you would do glue ons.
Thanks for the info, I had already ordered new linings from Spruce. I had zero luck trying to procure material locally from any of the recommended places most likely to have it. This will allow me to measure the new ones for the correct thickness and in the future have a source. Probably worth while to buy now and store for later though. Thanks again :)

I can't seem to find linings of parts for my brakes. They are labelled B7200L and R. Any suggestions on where they can be purchased? I've tried Spruce with no luck. The one lining has shifted completely off the shoe.
Ok, so here is what I did.... Found a brake and clutch joint that is doing 2 shoes for $25 a piece. They are bonded, riveted and guaranteed..
We do the same things in this part of the world. Make sure they don't use metallic type lining material. Small thin drums wouldn't last very long. Bob Ohio
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