Lowrance 2000 updates


N57 NewGarden Pennsylvania
I have a lowrance 2000 and want keep using it. Does anyone provide updates data for these anymore? Jeppeson used to but do not any more.

I'm in the same boat. Just updated our 2000c last year and now see that updates are no longer available. I guess the next update (to a new unit - iFly 700?) will be an expensive one. Oh well, the 2000c works but I've never been a big fan of how it works. Just hate to spend more money on something other than fuel so it may be a while.
Yea, It worked well enough that I didn't want to spend money on something new. Interesting though, I bought my son an ipad for Xmas and found out the xwife bought one for him too. So I may have that to use. But, my 2000 was nicely mounted in the panel and I'm not sure I can mount the iPad the same way, it is too big really.

I see SeaTac has changed its class B it would be nice to get an update. I love this thing and don't want to replace it.


  • Feb2011 003.jpg
    Feb2011 003.jpg
    89.7 KB · Views: 364
LEI came with the 2000 if I remember correctly....I never did figure it out. I ordered a new card that inserted into the 2000 last up date. With the Seattle change I may need to get my new tab set up with the gps. I know that I will miss the terrain of the Lowarence.
LEI was the Lowrance website where you used to get the updates from. Now when you go to that website you get redirected to Navico who I guess took over for them. However, under the Airmap product it says the following:

Discontinued Aviation Products - Jeppesen Database Updates for AirMap 500, 600, 1000 and 2000c are no longer available.

if i could copy the update i have from july i would give it to you but i cant figure out how
Lowrance got out of the aviation field and they will support no more updates. I might have gotten the last one in June of 2011 for my 2000C. Great gps, hate to see it go.