PA-22 warbirds


Fennville, MI

Punched in a look for Piper Pacer at Wikipedia, among the (very optimistic) statistics, found they were in the military at times.

With the proper paint, you could park with the warbirds during OSH week.


Between 1953 and 1955, the Cuban Army Air Force (Fuerza Aérea Ejército de Cuba, or FAEC) received 7 PA-20s, 4 PA-22-150s, and 3 PA-22-160s. During the Cuban Revolution, PA-22s had their rear-doors removed and a .30 caliber machine gun installed in its place for use against insurgents, along with hand-dropped grenades.<a><span><span>[</span>1<span>]</span></span></a> A PA-22 providing ground support for the Cuban Army during the Battle of Guisa is believed to be the lone aircraft lost by the FAEC to enemy fire.<a><span><span>[</span>2<span>]</span></span></a>


During the Congo Crisis, Katangese separatists received five PA-22-150s from the South African Air Force for the Force aérienne katangaise which were deployed against ONUC forces between 1961 and 1963.<a><span><span>[</span>3<span>]</span></span></a>
Hi Walt,

I was thinking I'd seen this story a long time ago but don't recall seeing one done in colors.

Yes, I think I posted about this several years ago. According to the story I had read, this one was used by the French Army!
There is a gentleman that has a restored TriPacer with a French Military background He has flown It to Oshkosh the last couple of years. It is mocked up with a .30 cal browning in the back seat. It was a pretty interesting bird. I had thought he was on the forum but haven't seen him post in quite awhile.
