Lakeside California
Not familiar with the product , but to clean glue and paint off ?
Not familiar with the product , but to clean glue and paint off ?
I would think so but I have never used it. I buy MEK (the real stuff) in a 55 gallon drum. Cost me $12-14 a gallon. Wear gloves, it soaks into your skin and never leaves your body. Bad stuff. I hate it but it does a job.This thread is probably pertinent for my question: Is MEK Substitute adequate for use on a Ceconite Randolf Dope coating?
Repair looks like it's progressing very well. Question: My plane doesn't have the forward inspection ports shown in your photos. Do they allow access to the diagonal brace bolt that goes through the gas tank?
Do they allow access to the diagonal brace bolt that goes through the gas tank?