Prestolite alternator

Jeff J

Eufaula, OK
Does anyone have a wiring diagram and/or instructions for installing a Prestolite alternator in a PA-22 they can share? I'm working on a plane that was disassembled by someone else 13+ years ago and want to verify everything is wired correctly.

Thanks Steve but, unless this Prestolite installation is missing several components, the InterAv system is too different to do me much good and if you were trying to direct me to the zeftronics website I can't view it properly on this computer.

The Zeftronics site has both types of charging system schematics. I will see if I can cut and paste.
The STC'd InterAV alternator is a rebranded Prestolite which was rebranded Leece-Neville. Try InterAV's wiring diagram.
The STC'd InterAV alternator is a rebranded Prestolite which was rebranded Leece-Neville. Try InterAV's wiring diagram.

I think you are both talking different ones..... would not try interav diagram....

the interav was is a motarolla with Out(big), reg, gnd, and the field spade connection... and regulator puts + power to field to excite it

the prestolite is the one like on a 185, with ???? not at shop...... and normally puts -power??? to field to excite, if I recall right (this actually can be + or - to field depending on how you wire F1 and F2 if it has them... been a few years... fuzzy memory...)

a picture of back/teminals on the one in question would help us give you the right diagram
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What I am not seeing on the PA-22 I'm working is any kind of overvoltage/spike protection but it could be a setup like figure 2 in the pdf file above. The prestolite part number comes up as an AG product which tells me it is most likely from a tractor. On the surface it looks like it's a legal installation with STC, 337 and log book entries but without the specific STC instructions or the diagram to verifiy the installation with I have no way of knowing what should or should not be there. I've already run into enough maintenance short cuts on this plane to make me more than a little paranoid about returning it to service without double checking all the mods.

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The alternator has a field, ground and battery post on it (The field isn't actually a post it's a spade clip). The lead to the battery is the only one passing through the regulator. Like I said before, I think this system came from a tractor.
The alternator has a field, ground and battery post on it (The field isn't actually a post it's a spade clip). The lead to the battery is the only one passing through the regulator. Like I said before, I think this system came from a tractor.

a couple pictures here would sure help you, QUICK!!!!
I'll be at the aircraft tomorrow, I'll try to remember to take a couple of pictures. I'll double check the 337 but I think all it said was something to the effect of "installed Prestolite alternator IAW STC ...". I'll check the STC certificate too but I've never seen one with any really useful info beyond make and model allowed.
write down the Prestolite alt model number and also regulator model number. Been doing some searching. Sounds like the " one wire alt conversion for Ford 8n tractors" Bob 2177A

Prestolite ALK5001S is the alternator. There is no log book entry for the mod. This PA-22 also has a solenoid under the seat wired into the the electical system which, so far, I haven't found a log book entry for. It really makes it a challenge to sign off an annual inspection when a prior mechanic failed to do their job and owners fail to keep up with their aircraft records (the instructions I'm looking for should have been kept with the aircraft records/logs). If no one here has the instructions I'll have to try to track down the STC holder from the 1960s.

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Jeff I posted a reply to you about the present holder of the STC for your alternator in the wrong forum, in "Voltage Regulator Forum"

Larsen Industries 7790 Rawsoonville Road Belleville Mi 48111

They can probably help you on the diagram information. Bob Ohio
View attachment 3420View attachment 3419View attachment 3418View attachment 3417

Prestolite ALK5001S is the alternator. There is no log book entry for the mod. This PA-22 also has a solenoid under the seat wired into the the electical system which, so far, I haven't found a log book entry for. It really makes it a challenge to sign off an annual inspection when a prior mechanic failed to do their job and owners fail to keep up with their aircraft records (the instructions I'm looking for should have been kept with the aircraft records/logs). If no one here has the instructions I'll have to try to track down the STC holder from the 1960s.


is it working???

looks super simple, put power to ign to turn on system and the fld to fld on alt...... not sure you need to hassle all this for a diagram.....
Jeff I posted a reply to you about the present holder of the STC for your alternator in the wrong forum, in "Voltage Regulator Forum"

Larsen Industries 7790 Rawsoonville Road Belleville Mi 48111

They can probably help you on the diagram information. Bob Ohio

I got the address off the STC, I was thinking the odds of contacting someone on an STC issued in 1960 were a little remote but I googled Larsen Industries this afternoon and came up with the same address plus a phone number. I was also hoping to save the owners a few dollars by getting a copy of the instructions here because I expect to be charged for the paperwork if I go through the STC holder.

Funny Mike would ask about the system working. I ran the aircraft yesterday while I was out there and the answer is no. I'm not getting power to the field side of the alternator. Next time I go out I'll make a jumper to get power to the field for testing purposes then probably cut open the harness and see where the wires are screwed up. The reason I want the diagram is without it I'm just guessing if the installation is correct because the system is different than anything else I have seen on an aircraft. I think if I get power to the field the system will work fine but, just because I might be able to get the system to work, it won't necessarily make it "right".

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Funny Mike would ask about the system working. I ran the aircraft yesterday while I was out there and the answer is no. I'm not getting power to the field side of the alternator......

if it is fully charged it will be no..... (depending on if regulator put + or - out to fld)
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.....just check buss voltage with it running and see if its working.....


I haven't been back out to work on it yet but I had battery voltage at the bus with the engine running. Owners had alternator and regulator bench checked. Regulator failed the check. I have a new regulator in my truck I'll install tomorrow and see what happens.
I haven't been back out to work on it yet but I had battery voltage at the bus with the engine running. Owners had alternator and regulator bench checked. Regulator failed the check. I have a new regulator in my truck I'll install tomorrow and see what happens.

voltage not running should be??? ~12+?? running will be 14+ if working....
I built up a small LED voltmeter, in a small box 1/2 in thick, stuck on right side on panel fed from a power jack mounted in the panel, I always know what the battery and charging voltage is. Bob
Steve I got the LED solid state board read out voltmeter off ebay from China, enclosed it in a small box, velcro to mount it. The input voltage is the source voltage for the readout display. I have it plugged into a 1 amp fused output on the panel. I put some opaque covering over the display so it wouldn't be bright at night. They are not expensive, and I could use some more of them for checking batteries on the RC airplanes instead of carrying the Fluke in the to the field. Will search ebay again.

Changing the regulator didn't fix the problem. I still wasn't getting voltage to the field so I started shooting wires and running jumpers. It didn't take long to find the field toggle switch was burned out. Now I'm back to square one. It works but I don't "know" it's "right".
Cigarette lighter volt meter.

I use a $15.00 wall mart digital volt meter, easy instal, just pug into cigarette lighter. Best part is easy removal at annual time.

:-) I can easily triple check "mixture master mags" are off, when leaving the plane, a quick look at the fuel gauge and volt meter confirm master is off.

equus 3721 battery charger system monitor is the model I have, at night if the backlight bothers me I just fold it up. If someone has tested a better model let me know, this one works great.
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I saw one of those in a customers airplane years ago. used to have to buy them at Sporties. I will have to get one now, thanks.