The STC'd InterAV alternator is a rebranded Prestolite which was rebranded Leece-Neville. Try InterAV's wiring diagram.
The alternator has a field, ground and battery post on it (The field isn't actually a post it's a spade clip). The lead to the battery is the only one passing through the regulator. Like I said before, I think this system came from a tractor.
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Prestolite ALK5001S is the alternator. There is no log book entry for the mod. This PA-22 also has a solenoid under the seat wired into the the electical system which, so far, I haven't found a log book entry for. It really makes it a challenge to sign off an annual inspection when a prior mechanic failed to do their job and owners fail to keep up with their aircraft records (the instructions I'm looking for should have been kept with the aircraft records/logs). If no one here has the instructions I'll have to try to track down the STC holder from the 1960s.
Jeff I posted a reply to you about the present holder of the STC for your alternator in the wrong forum, in "Voltage Regulator Forum"
Larsen Industries 7790 Rawsoonville Road Belleville Mi 48111
They can probably help you on the diagram information. Bob Ohio
Funny Mike would ask about the system working. I ran the aircraft yesterday while I was out there and the answer is no. I'm not getting power to the field side of the alternator......
.....just check buss voltage with it running and see if its working.....
I haven't been back out to work on it yet but I had battery voltage at the bus with the engine running. Owners had alternator and regulator bench checked. Regulator failed the check. I have a new regulator in my truck I'll install tomorrow and see what happens.