
Great price for sure. Some sellers don't realize how much aircraft prices have increased in recent years and price their planes low based on historic values.

I flew into that airport better known as Eaker Field many times back in the 60’s with my dad. He grew up 15 miles east of Durant in small town of Bokchito.

Airport was originally a Army airfield for WW2 flight training and named after Gen Ira Eaker. Eaker,and organize its bomber command.
Ha, Mr. Eaker really looks like a hard ass. $12,500 0-time engine. If it has the sign off paper work. Almost tempted to hook my trailer up tonight!
If that plane was ~2050 miles and a few mountain ranges closer, I would be tempted to go get it myself.
I just need the engine but there would also be lots of spare parts for my local Tri-Pacer gang.

Glen in Oregon